Monday, February 26, 2007


Don't ya kinda dislike that word? Change, to me, is much more optimistic. I have been thinking about big things for people. Big change. Big movements. Big Callings. Divinely orchestrated networks. What if we all met here and now for such a time as this? What if we were all kings and rulers of this domain,region,message? What if we were to all assemble together to glorify the KING of Kings and in that we were blessed just calling in His presence? What if- like the Kings in the Bible that chose to follow God or not our stories are being written? Do you have a paragraph or chapters devoted to how you have lived your lives thus far? What if we tore down all of the altars to false idols of our forefathers and purified the temples and decreed over our dominion: holiness, fruitfulness, basicallly, heaven on Earth? What if we did not choose to bury our talents for safekeeping, but multiplied them over and over and over? ( Money and Gifts). This is the middle of something glorious, this is this middle of something great, this is a call to arms. Arms lifted high in prayer, in praise, in purpose, in community. We have already begun, let us pick up momentum through encouragment, prayer and prophecy. I decree that you that read this are gaining momentum. You are being infused with creativity from the maker. You are being poured into with wisdom as a thick honey coating your being. You are purified through your confessions and forgiven of iniquities. You are excited to see what is coming. You are not afraid of the call. You will not quiver but will be still under HIS wing of protection and love. At the same time you are released to be who are. What your purpose is, what you were knit together for.

Guess what? We are here for such a time as this.


Pamelotta said...

Wow. That's good stuff. I love that it's like honey because even the slightest bit of the stuff and you know it's there. It's sticky and it doesn't go anywhere unless you wash it off.
Personally, I like the word transition. I always think of it being my favorite part of childbirth. It's that time when the pain of labor gives way to the work you can be a part of. It's the time when you know you are about to see the fruit.
Thank you for speaking that over me. Over all of us!

Francesca said...

I recieve it!!!

Francesca said...

Do over. I receive it!

trish said...

Good point in the birth transition! I was thinking about how overused that word is sometimes. We are in transition. Come on lets move past transition into the birth of it already! Gooood stuff.

ericaprosser said...

I like change. It has closure. You can measure it. I hate transition. It's wobbly, unsteady. Makes me a little nauseous.

MONICA said...

Transistion can be uncomfortable. But so can change. But the kind of transistion and change you describe is EXCITING! I am not afraid of my call, I receive it too!