Monday, January 01, 2007


This was a preconference post-

Wow. I love God. God is faithful, loving, wonderful, magnificent, holy, powerful, etc. etc. I was at a book store yesterday. There was a book that presented the case, very articulately, and rationally for the emphatic resolution to the atheistic stance of many persons in society. Good for them. Good for us. One of the main tenets of that position is that so many people have died in the name of religion;therefore, religious beliefs should be considered as outdated due to the irrational behaviors of those who believe. Hmmm. I will just be honest here. I have questioned many aspects of Christianity. The supposed hypocrisy, the male dominance, the narrow view of salvation, the wars. I have processed and come to an understanding of each of those things.

Here is part of my response. I believe. I believe simply and genuinely. I am humbled in the presence. My rational mind is subdued with supernatural love for a God of reconciliation, restoration and resurrection. My common sense in daily life is replaced with supernatural sense in appreciation for the healing and wholeness I have received and for the miracles I have witnessed. Men and women that absolutely disagree in Higher power ( the unknown God) have never experienced prayer and presence of the Holy Spirit. How sad it must be to live a life void of the possibility of the God.

Is this irrational, maybe. Is this ignorant? Am I foolng myself and brainwashing my children? I think not-I know the emptiness of rejecting your calling. I know the pain of being broken. I know rejection and insecurity. I know ugly. I know weakness. I know sorrow. I know evil.

I am a child of the living God. I am walking in my destiny. I am whole. I am redeemed. I am accepted. I am secure. I am strong. I know good. Real good.

SO to me it matters not if others disagree. I will receive my blessings, as will my children.

This year I want to shine brighter, walk taller, be healthier and resonate with a glorious life. The last four days and nights, we cried out in prayer for many things. I will see them all come to pass and then some. Praise God for strategy.