Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful for....

Nash- my video games, candy, money, umm pizza, uhh Also for family, techno stuff. Junk food too.

Bella- I am thankful for my family, my friends, technology, my pets( still part of my family), my mommy and daddy because they let me keep my kitty. I am thankful for everything.

Mia/Rainflower- I am thankful for my family, my sun sisters, my lip gloss be poppin. Rain to dance in, Sunshine makes me smile. I love God. Road trips with Rainbow. Starberry jamfests with Jordan. Jewelry making and anything hippy with Strawberry FIelds. I am thankful I found my secret garden. Panda lets me dance in it whenever I want. I am a Senior Yay! Trips to be taken (More Europe) And chocolate.

Trish- I am grateful for love, health, kids that crack me up, a husband that sends me flowers and loves me in all my stuff, moments with people that transcend profession and role and grasp a spiritual connection. People that fight against darkness. Friends everywhere. My mattress topper. A Lover in Heaven and Savior on Earth. Travel travel travel-I love all things diverse and beautiful. Good coffee, great wine, dark beer, humor, music, stringed instruments in particular. A sense of completion. Dance.


Rachel said...

Trish, I am very thankful for you and your family!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

ericaprosser said...

Trish- i am thankful for you & for our friendship. I am thankul for deep belly laughs and wine with lunch. You are wonderful.

Rainflower said...

WOw, u were posting this...haha

Well I'm thankful for u too! You didn't put that in there!