I miss my babies! I miss their faces and voices and hugs. Thanks again to all of you who have pitched in to make this vacation possible.
Okay, so I am back in Bangkok. I get to see a little bit of big city Thailand now. Leah, is kinda sick of BKK. I am amazed. It is pretty cool. I don't like big cities too much, but the food rocks. We went to one of Paul's favorite places, I seriously have never tasted more perfectly delicious flavors. And the cost........10 bucks for all of us. Wow. We may go to the tourist areas downtown and do the boat ride and stuff like that, but Joel hates that kind of thing. Leah and I are going for Tai Chi tonight. We will probably catch a movie later too. They say I have to go through the Thai movie experience. I will let you know what that means.
We lived in the San Francisco region so I was used to the train system. The sky train they have here is similar, only with video screens. The weird thing about this place is the sex tourism industry. There are so many levels to this subject. In permeates into just plain life.
We have had a good visit with our friends and have learned a lot about them as I am sure they have learned a lot about us. It is always interesting to be around other couples to glean truth about your own relationships.
As a group we are all quite vision/dream oriented. We discussed: NGO's and changing the world, Raising funds from philanthropist types, medical focus, child focus, trafficking focus, work-training projects through restaurant and food services, computer training, photography studios and tours for tourists,conservation work. Even taking abused elephants and other animals to help rehabilitate the broken hearted children taken from the sex industry. Okay, I know some of this sounds hokey, but we are a creative people and cannot help cast vision together. No we will not call it "bunnies for boys" or anything like that. But we do recognize that we were given dominion over the Earth and we would like to do as much as possible in our little fleeting lifetime to effect change for the better.
I will update more later, love you guys. T
Friday, August 17, 2007
Trip update 2
Posted by trish at 2:08 AM 9 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Trip update
Where do I begin. I have been keeping a little log and I don't have much time. But here goes. As many of you know Leah works in the social justice Non Government Organization (NGO) world, specializing in the fight against the sex trafficking of women and children.
There is a film crew here to do a documentary called The Sold project (hence the link on the side bar). I met all of these twenty- somethings on fire for this project. (Talk about make it happen non-whiners!) I went to a filming of the interview with Leah. I will upload pictures and video of this when I get home. Later that night we went to the red light district. Very profound- hence the poetry. We took one of Leah's friend, a prostitute in Pattaya to a hotel and let her share her story on film. It was done with such respect and tenderness. She shared of her pain and the beatings and the shame. She felt trapped and spoke of many hard things. Leah held her hand through the entire taping. I am always amazed by my friend's beauty. She is like a pain seeker, so that she can bring healing to those that are wounded by the burdens of their life. Anyway, you have to go to Wednesdaythemovie.com so that you can see the work of 23 year-old director Joel Hassan, who is directing this production as well. Very inspiring team.
Now to Cambodia. I guess I just did not understand this trip. I just trust my friend. So, day one we spend at the museum ( S-21) the old school that was used to house and torture the Cambodian people during the Khumer Rouge rule. SO sad, I was nauseous after viewing the documentary. Then as we walk across to the cafe we are bombarded with beggars, scarred, eyes gouged, legless, crying out. I am freaked out. I just can't go sit in a cafe and have a nice lunch. Everyone is asking what is wrong, I can't even talk. Finally, I snap at Joel for something and he yells at me and I just start bawling. I go up to the bathroom and bawl like a baby. WHew.
It took until this morning to verbalize what had happened in me. Joel and I talked about it and the truth is that I was utterly unprepared for third world country. I have so much more to share and God is definitely in this but I must go now so pray for us all, Mia was in a little accident while we have been gone, praise God for His protection. I will write more later. Love you all. Trish
Posted by trish at 8:47 PM 10 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I cannot sleep
it is 2:16 Am in Bangkok
We leave for Cambodia at 5am
I am exhausted and exhilarated
I have bits and pieces and flashes
scenes of movies and thoughts and sounds of music
all artfully strung together in disillusion
I have a burden of life that is nesting in my spiritwomb
It is not one
But many
I wish I could show you...
The child smiles
The footsteps in the rain
Up to the doorway of
The drum
Gong solo
The rhythm
Cry alone
The rising of issues
That color the world
I wish you could see
What I see
and hear as a symphony of pictures and poetry and song
fusion of all that has been locked and tucked
for release at a later date
it is Dying to be created
inanimate screams of mercy and grace
carry me
nurture me
paint me whole
dance with me
speak to me
deliver my soul
run with me
fly with me
dare me to dream
under limitless sky
Posted by trish at 1:15 PM 8 comments
have you ever felt as though you witnessed something magnificent
much like the birth of a child
but different
have you ever felt significant
in a moment
as though you were given that
"fly on the wall" experience
in the making of a movement
in the changing of the world's tide
riding the upstroke of the wave
rather than being caught in an eddy of a river
today was magnificent
as connections were made
the network made to glow
with the maker's fire in the room
as you watch
metal is molded as armour
to each body present
you await
for the word of your king
heart pounding
His command
your breath is quiet
as if sound
would cause hesitation to the utterance
Posted by trish at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Poem
Friday, August 10, 2007
We made it!
Here in Bangkok after a long flight. Just about to settle in and visit. Will post again soon. XOXOXoo
Posted by trish at 9:42 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
SO my husband and son have the traditional wrestling ritual between father and son
I love it
I usually have to walk away
But I love it
Joel is "the BIG show"
Nash calls him "a little tiny baby show"
SO the other day
The whole: "You want some of this" routine starts up again
Instead of if you ask for the bull, you goanna get the horns
Nash comes up with, " you ask for the cow you goanna get the milk!"
Posted by trish at 6:54 AM 6 comments
Thailand trip
SO here we are
The morning to drop off the kids for my long awaited
Highly anticipated
Overly glamorized
Possibly sensationalized
Trip overseas
Okay so, call me a freak
36 year old virgin of overseas travel
Nervous to leave my children
WOndering if I should have done more
Special stuff
Written them hidden notes
Given them meaningful trickets
Organized their stuff better
I feel like God is having me deal with my fears
I feel like He is saying
You cannot serve me to your calling if you guard the fears in your heart
Rather than release yourself to me
I believe that Bob Marley was on to something when he said
"Emanicipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can fee our minds"
Father can give you grace to accomplish this?
Yes, but yours must be a willing journey to the altar or sacrificial death of self.
When I could not go on the medical trip to Cambodia cause I missed it by a school week, I felt reminded by Him of my "fear baby"
Like the tar baby that sticks to your hands in angry jabs
Fear baby held me back
I needed to choose freedom to trust His perfect will
To follow Him without orchestrating my own protective patterns
And false death
Replayed, looped on what-if-film
Today is a journey unlike any other in my life
Not for the geographic location
It is a circumcision of sorts
Yes, I will trust, increase my faith to trust.
Posted by trish at 6:30 AM 5 comments
Sunday, August 05, 2007
I am officially God's favorite (at least in my world)
SO Wednesday was the LAST DAY of school!
Many thanks to those of you supportive in this area.
SPECIAL THANKS to Brandi WILSON aka Brandelicious, Branderrific, Brantastica, WOnderBran, SupercaliBRanderrificexpialidocious- for ALL of the special things you did to encourage, lift me, love me and be my friend. Jesus loves you. And so do I.
WARNING: Next lines quite mushy.
Words cannot adequately express all of the thanks in my heart to you, my one true love. Even when we are in a funky time. I always yearn for you by my side- but when it is good- it is REAL good and I am looking forward to spending the rest of my days loving you.
TO my children that read this Blog. I adore you and pray that I can be here for you like never before. You are my lovelies.
THis week has been awesome. ERICA exercised her YogalateeTaiCHi moves with me.- Then we had a celebratory margarita.
We had dinner with Andrea and Hubby. SOOOOooo good.
Then GOD smiled upon me.
Saturday morning. Phone call. " I know this is short notice but- would you like a free hundred dollar ticket to see Don Henley?"
Are you serious?
My friend drove me to the Don Henley, Stray Cats, Pretenders show- It was exquisite and lovely. I know this sounds weird, but I was loving and worshipping God to the grooves of "Heart of the Matter" and "New York Minute", man oh man, it was sweet. I felt so miraculously blessed. I have not been to a real concert in about ten years. Can I just say one more thing?
AS wonderful as that was. This morning during a particular song- I realized that nothing in the world could equate with actively seeking my Father's heart, to pursue Him as His daughter and praise Him. Wow.
I did some entirely cool and lovely and fun things. But nothing is as beautiful as when I believe in Jesus. SO I wrote a song:
Today Praise
New Day
I am in love with you again
Old song
Made new again
Simply by the flow of love for you
Do you hear
Past the words
Can I contain the best to give to you
Praise High
Praise Now
Praises lifted in this song to you
You have shown
As we join
What it is to freely love alone
You have made
My life alive
To your call
I now must rise
Not as a debt
To fulfill
But as desired depths revealed
I didn't know that on the earth
I could know your love so sweetly birthed
Fully formed
To you complete
This redemption
Now so sweet
Praise High
Praise Now
Praises lifted in this song to you
I didn't know that I was worth
The love you've given me
I didn't know
I didn't know
Please forgive me
I didn't know
Praise High
Praise Now
Praises lifted in this song to you
Praise High
Praise Now
Praises lifted in this song to you
Praise High
Praise Now
SO this is Post 100
May HIs face shine upon you that you might know the full measure of His love. TrishTrueblood
Posted by trish at 11:55 AM 8 comments