AHHHHHHHHH! That is my frustration. Mia's flight from Philly to DFW is cancelled- bad weather- she has to sleep in the airport or stand in the two hour line for standby and possibly still sleep in the airport. Please pray for my baby's protection. Nash was saying, "Mom she is almost an adult!' I told him that I didn't care if she was eighty, I will always be a mom to my kids when they need me. I was totally strong and praying and fine and then after the second hour on the phone with people telling me it was not their problem I started to cry. Then finally someone logged in to a computer told me she would be in Dallas at midnight. Yeah! Then the next thing I know Mia is calling back saying she is still in the airport! Thus you got the silent scream.
The next time I taked to her she was not upset anymore and had gotten a flight at 7 AM. Lord Jesus protect my baby. Cover her. Place your hedge of protection around her. Send Angels to stand guard and allow your strength to rise up in her. She can do anything equal to any thing through you that infuse inner strength into her. Your grace is sufficient for Mia. And Mom too. Let her be a blessing to every frustrated person around her.
UPDATE: We are all home safe and sound- thanks you guys. It is too funny that she went to Europe- 10 cities in 17 days - smooth sailing- until she reaches the States. Mia is 17 y.o. and well on her way to figuring life out for herself. No matter how much I tried to protect her from the big bad ugly world she still had to figure out what to do all on her lonesome. She passed the life test. Whew. Way to go Mia. Way to go God!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Flight Interrupted
Posted by trish at 8:08 PM 5 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tonight my children delighted in the rain. I was hot and tired, cleaning out a stuffy dirty room. I went outside to make sure they were not doing anything bad or dangerous. Nash was running around soaking wet in the rain, barefoot, grinning the only way a seven year old boy with one front tooth could, ear to ear. I started to tell them- Bella was with him, to get out of the rain- at least put shoes on. What a party pooper. My husband reminded me to let them be kids and have fun. So I went outside, stepped out from under the awning, and let the rain trickle the big drops on my sweaty head. I said, "The rain feels really good on your head." Nash ran out with his arms spread wide, Bella was dancing and singing in the background, then Nash said, " The rain feels good all over your body." That kid really knows how to live. Why is it so hard for me to cut loose and be a fun mom. I am a true goofball sometimes- then I get all rigid and my face puckers up- yuk. I wannna get all wet, need to get all wet. Then maybe I can just pucker from the moisture instead of the sour in my soul. Gotta breathe long breath phewww!
Posted by trish at 9:25 PM 3 comments
Rural Time
So part of our program means time in a rurual health facility. I get to sleep in a hospital bed, eat hospital food and go to the ER and see patients as they come in. Sometimes busy, sometimes not. I have really been affected by the teenage pregnancy epidemic in this community. I am going to do a little research on it. Part of it is a poverty culture. They get to have something that belongs to them. It just breaks my heart to see an eleven year old in the ER with her 15, 17 year old cousins that are both having babies- yes more than one. It is not like these are accidents. They are planned pregnancies. ( NOt the eleven year old). I just want to pull her to the side and hold her in her innocence. I just want to tell her it is not okay to have sex right now. Sex is for marriage and it is a sacred and beautiful gift - not to be entered into casually.I want to warn her of the possibilities of things that she could experience. I just want to tell her about hope in Jesus and His plans for her life. About his complete and satisfying love. And then the reality of the next patient being here waiting to be seen, stings my eyes, while the little girl obediantly slips into the car with her PG cousin and her smoking grandmother. The silent sermon swallowed in regret. God please help these babies having babies.
Posted by trish at 7:38 AM 4 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Lightening Night
I am driving home in the evening rain
That separate soul of a poet calls my name beckoning me toward the horizon
I have to go home and feed my family
I don't have time to pull over on that hill and watch the electricity map the sky
I am late for dinner
The music becomes more noticeable
The classical rhythms are mysteriously in tune with the streaks of light across a cloud filled sunset
I cannot take this evening for granted
I pull up to the driveway fully involved with the stage of His presence
The music heightening with the intensity of the lights and softening with the beads of rain turn to mist
A head pops out as they have been waiting
I extend an invitiation to the ultimate laser light show as my seven year old boy and ten year old girl climb into the front seat
We have our drive-thru dinner theatre together as I am parked in reverse, positioned anticipation
My son exclaims excitement
We sit for a few more moments capturing forever with our nets of remembrance
It is a sweet life
A little wonder and awe shining and striking
Dangerous to some and beautiful to others
Awesome, to others still
Where do you find your heart and mind in the lightening of life?
Fearful for the possibility or excited at the majesty?
Where do you find yourself?
I find myself riding the raindrops fallen to splash
Absorbed with the morning sun
Taken to heights unseen
Entered into the process undone
Embedded in the clouds
Provision of the water that is needed for life
Entering the dance of the cycle of giving
Forming and crashing that others might go on living
We are dash, bleep, fleet and flash
No time to worry or pile the trash
Release now the glory
Fear not the shine
Dance with a vengence
Sing without rhyme
Color the Lover's Crest on your life
Trish Trueblood
Posted by trish at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Poem
Friday, June 08, 2007
More Randomoniums
Okay Clinicals have started for me and I have- as is the norm for me, taken about seventeen projects simultaneously. I could use some Amanda in me right now! Wouldn't it be cool if we could switch powers like Pokemon or something and just said Power of Organization! Power of ______! Okay so maybe I should be asleep but I am not so there you have it.
I am in the last eight weeks as a student. I will not be nervous. I will not feel inadequate or stupid. I will not be slow when I am finished with this program. I will pass my certification exam. Okay, whew! I am confessing before I get in too deep and the old nature tries to tell me I am drowning. So, in essence I am leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. By the way the end of last semester was the best end of semester I have ever had with regard to the "girl formerly riddled with anxiety."
Kids off to FGF Church camp at 0815, TO clinical with Andrea C at ( as soon as I get there. A meeting with administration at ARMC at 1100am. Back to Andrea's office. By the way- God is so great that he gave me Andrea to precept me. Feeling very fortunate. She is one of the sweetest, most compassionate, cutest and smartest nurse practitioners ever! SO I have not decided how long to be there cause I have a date with a girlfriend that shall remain nameless. I just don't want anyone to think I am playing favorites or anything. No kids no husband just dinner and movie and probably a footrub or two. Nice. Then back to the house cause somewhere in the afternoon before returning to Clyde I will go and purchase a gift for the Kim Peters Bridal Shower (that is going to be awesome). Julie has put it together at the lovely Wendy's house for Sat 10AM. Then I will be off to Fredericksburg to take my husband to Father's day dinner. We will be too busy next week and I will probably just let the kids cook- the old breakfast in bed routine. We will leave Fred to make it back in time for church hopefully. Then- we start over. More deadlines for these research studies. More required reading. More demands on the Trishmeister ( some self inflicted). Just give me some garden time Lord.
I have been waiting for the poetry brewing in me to release the love and communion I feel with the Father in the garden. I might do that later. I will do that later. But right now can I just describe some of the elements in the coming poem? Like you are going to stop me somehow.
The weeping willow sits in the corner of the fenced off metal links. Out of place for such a regal fellow. So old and unkept He has been trying to die. I have been praying for new life in this tree and my garden. I have declared that it will live longer that my family's family. The reason? I have never gardened until this year. I went outside with a vengence. I dug and raked and together my husband and children to one measure or another helped create this space and stage for the creative to be birthed. You see I do not take life lightly. I cannot have anymore children physically. But something about planting and germinating seeds in the " tummy of the earth" and watching them rise. Listening to the rustling leaves on the branches of the great tree and standing close enought to hear the crackling of the water as it trickles back into the soil- divinity. It is heaven on Earth. It is a Kingdom come moment in my life, every day I am out there. There is a peace that is almost overwhelming. I am so filled with love and purpose. God dwells in this place with me. There is no need to speak. Lest it be to my babies growing so strong or sometimes broken by the chickens. My heart is with His Heart if but for a few minutes. It is exquisite.
I love my children. I am very affectionate with them. But I struggle creating those moments with them. They are my legacy, they are my gift. Yet I lose time with them regularly. I feel like a "boring" mom. Not because they say anything. I know they love me but if anyone has any suggestioins on how to have fun more- without chuck e cheese or mr gatti's or constant money sucking themes- please suggest away!
Posted by trish at 12:38 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Women In Art
Do you see yourself? Your sister, your mother, daughter.....
Posted by trish at 7:04 PM 6 comments
Monday, June 04, 2007
Seek Justice
Rescue the Oppressed
Defend the Orphan
Plead for the Widow
Isaiah 1:17
So what of our mission here. Mission Planet Earth? Mission United States, Mission Texas, Mission Clyde? Or is there a border? Are we comfortably complacent? Is it okay to be so focused on our freedom from the constraints of our own minds that we are inadvertantly missing a greater calling to set the captives free? I am sometimes confused by the greater good and my personal convictions. I hate it when some book or truth is thrown in my face and I am forced to rexamine my positions. Actually, I don't hate it. It just feels so damn uncomfortable to think that I am not fulfilling my purpose. So the book is called Terrify No More by Gary A. Haugen- International Justice Mission.
Let me give you some fuel for the fire of intentional activity....
"All that is necessary for the triumph of Evil is for Good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
"I am frequently amazed at my own shrunken circle of compassion, especially when I come from a faith tradition that teaches again and again of God's great compassion and passion-for the world. I am enamored with the shriveled world of me and mine......I have a poverty of compassion." Gary Haugen
"The second poverty is a poverty of purpose. I marvel at the way forces conspire to bend the purpose of my life toward increasingly petty things and away from the grander purposes outside myself for which I sense I was truly fashioned by the maker." Gary Haugen
" We must picture hell as a state where everyoneis perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment." C.S. Lewis
"The third poverty is a poverty of hope.....we underestimate the value of what God has given us to transform lives. We underestimate the value of a single human life." Gary Haugen
" While there are millions of girls and women victimized everyday, our work will always be about the one. The one girl deceived. The one girl kidnapped. The one girl raped. The one girl infected with AIDS. The one girl needing a rescuer.To succumb to the enormity of the problem is to fail the one. And more is required of us.......There are millions they say, what is the point of one. 'I think Elisabeth understands the point. Elisabeth is the point.' " Sharon ? Attorney at IJM.
IJM has categorized the work they do. (1) Free the victims(2)Prosecute the perpetrators(3) secure places of safe aftercare for victims(4) transform communities so the injustice is not acceptable any longer.
Wow. It is with great caution they accomplish their goals. The work is very well orchestrated and well-researched.
Is it possible to consider that within each of us we are called to the same level of accomplishment-just specific to that which we are called. To that which we are chosen. We are a chosen people.
SO for me...(1) Identify people in need of food, clothing, healthcare (2) Offer assitance and resourcing to provide these items(3)secure places of safe counsel and demostrate the love of Christ(4) transform communities so that the denial of these basic physical and spiritual needs are no longer evident(5) Network communities of believers that share some common vision in the desire to seek justice for those involved.
Posted by trish at 8:06 PM 3 comments